武汉纺织大学省部共建国家重点实验室徐卫林院士团队骨干成员。2001年毕业于华中师范大学生物化学系获理学学士学位,2004年毕业于华中师范大学大学生物化学系获理学硕士学位,2009年毕业于中国科学院获遗传学学博士学位。2011年12月-2014年05月在南京工业大学化学工程与技术学科从事博士后研究工作。2015年09月-2016年09月在美国德州农工大学生物医学工程专业作访问学者。先后担任过本科生《生物化学》,《酶工程》等课程的教学。曾作为主要参加者参与国家自然科学基金(No.31700110),主持中国博士后科学基金会面上资助(No. 2013M541656)和湖北省教育厅基金(No. 20111605)和(No. 20141602)。研究方向为环境微生物学、生物材料。主要从事微生物菌种筛选,染料废水处理,微生物代谢机理与细菌纤维素等研究,近10年以通讯作者在《Chem Eng J》,《Carbohydr Polym》,《Bioresource Technology》等重要期刊发表SCI论文20篇,授权发明专利4项。兼任多篇SCI杂志《Green Chem》,《Int J Biol Macromol》等审稿人。
[1] H. Lu, S. Sun, J. Sun, X. Peng, N. Li, M. Wajid Ullah, Y. Zhang, L. Chen,J. Zhou*, Sustainable production of flocculant-containing bacterial cellulose composite for removal of PET nano-plastics, Chem Eng J.469 (2023) 143848. (一区)
[2]J. Zhou, J. Sun, M. Ullah, Q. Wang, Y. Zhang, G. Cao, L. Chen, M.W. Ullah, S. Sun, Polyethylene terephthalate hydrolysate increased bacterial cellulose production, Carbohydr Polym 300 (2023) 120301. (一区)
[3]J. Zhou,F. Gu, G. Cao, W. Xu, S. Sun, Y. Zhang, Sequential fermentation strategy improves microbial conversion of waste jasmine flower to bacterial cellulose with antibacterial properties, Ind Crops Prod 185 (2022) 115147. (一区)
[4]J. Zhou, Y. Chen, Y. Zhang, M.W. Ullah, W. Xu, Biotransformation of nylon-6, 6 hydrolysate to bacterial cellulose, Green Chem 23(19) (2021) 7805-7815. (一区)
[5] H. Zhao, Y. Zheng, Z. Wang, W. Xie,J. Zhou*, Preparation of a bacterial flocculant by using caprolactam as a sole substrate and its application in amoxicillin removal, J Environ Manage 294 (2021) 113026.(二区)
[6] Y. Zhang, Y. Chen, G. Cao, X. Ma,J. Zhou*, W. Xu, Bacterial cellulose production from terylene ammonia hydrolysate by Taonella mepensis WT-6, Int J Biol Macromol 166 (2021) 251-258.(二区)
[7] S. Chen, Y. Zheng, C. Han, H. Liu, Y. Chen,J. Zhou*, S. Su, Production of a bioflocculant using old polyester fibre as a fermentation feedstock and its use in treatment of polyester alkali-peeling wastewater, J Environ Chem Eng 9(4) (2021) 105455.(二区)
[8] X. Qi, Y. Zheng, N. Tang,J. Zhou*, S. Sun, Bioconversion of citrus peel wastes into bioflocculants and their application in the removal of microcystins, Sci Total Environ 715 (2020) 136885.(二区)
[9] C. Zhong, S. Sun, D. Zhang,J. Zhou*, Production of a bioflocculant from ramie biodegumming wastewater using a biomass-degrading strain and its application in the treatment of pulping wastewater, Chemosphere 253 (2020) 126727.(二区)
[10] H. Zhao, Y. Zheng, S. Zhou, L. Liu,J. Zhou*, S. Sun, Characteristics of methane and bioflocculant production by Methanosarcina spelaei RK-23, Int J Hydrogen Energy 45(20) (2020) 11569-11576.(二区)
[11] S. Chen, S. Sun, C. Zhong, T. Wang, Y. Zhang,J. Zhou*, Bioconversion of lignocellulose and simultaneous production of cellulase, ligninase and bioflocculants by Alcaligenes faecalis-X3, Process Biochemistry 90 (2020) 58-65.(三区)
[12] C. Zhong, G. Cao, K. Rong, Z. Xia, T. Peng, H. Chen,J. Zhou*, Characterization of a microbial polysaccharide-based bioflocculant and its anti-inflammatory and pro-coagulant activity, Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces 161 (2018) 636-644.(二区)
[13] H. Zhao, G. Cao, H. Chen, H. Li,J. Zhou*, Evaluation of hemocompatibility and hemostasis of a bioflocculant, Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces 159 (2017) 712-719.(二区)
[14] H. Zhao, C. Zhong, H. Chen, J. Yao, L. Tan, Y. Zhang,J. Zhou*, Production of bioflocculants prepared from formaldehyde wastewater for the potential removal of arsenic, J Environ Manage 172 (2016) 71-6.(二区)
[15] H. Chen, C. Zhong, H. Berkhouse, Y. Zhang, Y. Lv, W. Lu, Y. Yang,J. Zhou*, Removal of cadmium by bioflocculant produced by Stenotrophomonas maltophilia using phenol-containing wastewater, Chemosphere 155 (2016) 163-169.(二区)
[16] C. Zhong, H.Chen, G. Cao, J. Wang,J. Zhou*, Bioflocculant production by Haloplanus vescus and its application in acid brilliant scarlet yellow/red removal, Water Sci Technol 73(4) (2016) 707-15.(四区)
[17] G. Cao, Y. Zhang, L. Chen, J. Liu, K. Mao, K. Li,J. Zhou*, Production of a bioflocculant from methanol wastewater and its application in arsenite removal, Chemosphere 141 (2015) 274-81.(二区)
[18] C. Zhong, A. Xu, B. Wang, X. Yang, W. Hong, B. Yang, C. Chen, H. Liu,J. Zhou*, Production of a value added compound from the H-acid waste water-Bioflocculants by Klebsiella pneumoniae, Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces 122 (2014) 583-590.(二区)
[19] C. Zhong, A. Xu, L. Chen, X. Yang, B. Yang, W. Hong, K. Mao, B. Wang,J. Zhou*, Production of a bioflocculant from chromotropic acid waste water and its application in steroid estrogen removal, Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces 122 (2014) 729-737.(二区)
[20] H. Zhao, H. Liu,J. Zhou*, Characterization of a bioflocculant MBF-5 by Klebsiella pneumoniae and its application in Acanthamoeba cysts removal, Bioresour Technol 137 (2013) 226-32.(一区)
(1)周建刚、陈毅晖、刘可帅、唐嘉苧、周燊、刘浏、徐卫林,利用废旧涤纶织物制备细菌纤维素的方法,2022/02/25,中国发明专利,授权,ZL20201 0345277.3。